Call Realtor Jen for more information. 231.492.4062
What makes these buildings different? Where do I begin?Custom trusses that withstand 115 mph winds and heavy snow loads. Insulation designed to keep the air out while working with the 18″ overhangs and wrap on the buildings to provide quality climate control. Have you seen the foam insulation that penetrates into the ground for added insulation! These targeted items, along with the french drain system address moisture control so the owners can feel secure that their investments are safe and dry.
The quality commercial construction can be seen in the photos we are sharing. To the average eye, you might not understand the strength in the details. However, if you know construction you can see that the details in these physical posts, and the positioning of the posts, have a major benefit to the all over quality of the construction. These are not just buildings, they are an investment! DLL Development put a plan together to have your investment hold it’s value as a commercial building would hold it’s value! They address this property as a Lifestyle Development. It truly is!